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Krinova runs and is a partner in a number of projects that, like pieces of the puzzle, contribute to creating sustainable growth and attractiveness. A majority of the projects are linked to Krinova’s profile area Food, an area strongly linked to several of the UN’s global sustainability goals, the 2030 Agenda. 

Krinova is also involved in projects with a local connection, as we also have a mission to increase the attractiveness and growth of Kristianstad and northeastern Skåne.

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Project Status

BASCIL – Innovative Solutions for the Rural Food Production Sector to Diversify into Sustainable Culinary Tourism Services

Signaturbild för Cirkulär utvecklingshubb för livsmedel

Circular food development hub

Food from the Forest

NILLA – National Innovation Support System Equitable and Accessible for All

Viable Cities – Climate neutral Kristianstad 2030

Signaturbild för Framtidens mötesplats

Krinova – meeting point of the future

More digitalised rural businesses. The journey to get there…

More Food – More Jobs

Måltidspedagogik (sv)

PRIMÄR – Challenge-driven innovation in primary producer-related SMEs

Project MESI – Migrant Entrepreneurship for Social Inclusion

Project Testbed Balsgård

Project WISA – Water Innovation System Amplifier

Public Innovation

Radical Innovation for New Food and Beverage Concepts


SB FICA – South Baltic Food Innovation Culture Actors