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Climate-smart Näsby

Climate-smart Näsby

Climate-smart Näsby

Climate-smart Näsby

A new project aims to reduce climate impact in Näsby. In the EU-funded project “Climate-smart Näsby”, several local actors are working to reduce the climate footprint of the construction process and transports. Although the project focuses on the development of Näsby, the results will be used in other areas and cities – with Näsby and Kristianstad serving as models.

The project, which will last just over two years, is a collaborative project between Kristianstad Municipality, Krinova Incubator & Science Park and Kristianstad University. The project’s goal is to provide conditions for more carbon dioxide-efficient societal development in the Näsby area, which includes the Näsby and Gamlegården districts. As the city continues to grow, emissions need to be reduced.

The project will help lay the foundation for making Näsby and Kristianstad a forerunner in climate-smart societal development, something that increases the value and status of the area, while also leading to a better environment. The project will promote long-term civic engagement for the sustainable development of our shared society.

The business sector is involved through a local partnership and the Näsby testbed, which contributes to developing relationships and stimulating joint learning. The testbed will be an environment where companies, academia and other actors can collaborate during the development period.

The project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

Project period
20210101 - 20230228

Project owner
Kristianstads kommun
