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Radical Innovation for New Food and Beverage Concepts

Radical Innovation for New Food and Beverage Concepts

Radical Innovation for New Food and Beverage Concepts

Radical Innovation for New Food and Beverage Concepts

Radical Innovation for New Food Concepts in Skåne is one of Krinova’s projects in the food sector. Throughout 2015, a radical innovation model for open innovation of new food concepts underwent further development.

Radical Food, the project’s nickname, focused equally on finding new avenues for small and medium-sized food producers in Skåne and opening the doors of working life to new residents of Skåne. Krinova works according to the principle that more chefs produce more soup. Differences are seen as an asset, and the greater the differences between the various participants of the project, the faster we achieve results. The project’s international pool of talent is the single most important component of the radical innovation model, which was created through the parent project Radical Innovation for New Beverage Concepts.

With Region Skåne as financier, we built on the experiences from the Radical Beverages project and  Krinovas TOY-projekt, and are now delving deeper in Radical Food.

Pool of talent

An important component of the radical innovation model is the multicultural competence pool, which consists of people with different cultural backgrounds who can contribute food and beverage knowledge from their home country.

With the help of the innovation arena at Krinova Incubator & Science Park and one of the Radial Innovation for New Food and Beverage Concepts projects, Skåne companies have been given the opportunity to develop new food and beverage concepts more quickly and more innovatively. The multicultural pool of talent has been an important tool in this innovation work. The participants met in a workshop organised by the project in November 2014.

Brunslöv Mejeri launched a unique Ayran based on whey. Thanks to Krinova’s innovation arena and the multicultural pool of talent in the Radical Innovation for New Beverage Concepts project, the dairy was able to develop a new product from its residual whey. And did it in record time. It only took just over two months to go from the initial concept meeting to launched product.