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Glocalisation of Sustainable Food Processing

Glocalisation of Sustainable Food Processing

Glocalisation of Sustainable Food Processing

Glocalisation of Sustainable Food Processing

Glocalisation of Sustainable Food Processing is a project aimed at making it easier for Skåne companies in the food industry and related industries to create export opportunities and collaborations in the Mexican and Moroccan market.

Krinova has an established collaboration with Mexico (Matamoros) and Marocko (Ifrane), where the deepening of the collaboration made possible through the project will result in inputs for companies in their respective markets. In parallel, Krinova is working to export its innovation support model to small-scale food processors, where all aspects of sustainability are in focus.

The project runs through 2017. The aim is to develop a model for the export of sustainable food production and development and innovation support, and to establish long-term international collaborations for glocal development of small-scale food processors in strategic innovation environments.