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Business designers arbetar tillsammans på Krinova

Support for scaling up

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The Krinova INCUBATOR program offers an inspiring and developing environment focusing on the food of the future and its value chain.

Who can apply: ambitious founding teams from all over Sweden with the aim of delivering an innovative and scalable solution for a large market. We believe that you already have a strong environmental awareness, a clear customer focus and a project that explores how new technology can be applied or further developed to meet a sustainability challenge in the food value chain. The value chain for us is not just things that can be eaten, but also solutions in the entire food system from soil to soil.
The program is not fixed in time but contains regular evaluation opportunities. The methodology we use is research-based and originates from KTH with a large element of individual adaptation according to the company’s current needs.

The Incubator program offers

The Krinova family
  • Ongoing support with strategy, organisation, and business development from a dedicated business designer.
  • Needs-based access to Krinova’s team of business designers with expertise in food.
  • Industry relationships through Krinova’s community, which includes direct channels to industry-leading organisations and international partners.
  • Office space at Krinova in Kristianstad or at MINC in Malmö.
  • Identification of funding sources for early hypothesis testing of product/service.
  • Process for building an investment-ready case.
  • Access to multiple networks of funders focusing on food, as well as events where investors and startups meet.
  • Access to funding sources such as: Skåne Ventures, Innovation Check South, and verification funds from Vinnova.
Business development +
  • Support in finding the right testing and development environments, such as various types of labs, development kitchens, sensory evaluation, production scaling, development, and evaluation in customer environments.
  • Opportunity to access services in areas such as intellectual property rights and other business law, expertise in product and service development.
Think internationally
  • Collaboration and business relationships with international partners.
  • Opportunity to participate in organized trips to industry-specific events such as: Hack Summit in Lausanne, SLUSH in Helsinki, Tech BBQ in Copenhagen, Big Meet in Stockholm.
Business Designer i samtal

Incubator companies


We help farmers to save resources and increase yield with our patented precision irrigation and fertilization technology. To do this, our team has developed a unique service to provide farmers with tailored and high quality in-ground data.

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Angry Camel

Angry Camel is a deep food tech specializing in the extraction of high-performance chickpea protein isolate. Our cutting-edge technology enables us to produce a versatile ingredient that enhances the texture, taste, and nutritional profile of various food applications especially as a superior egg replacement solution.


Kotaiba Aal

+46 765686305

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Angry Camel

Cold and Dry

Cold and Dry develops equipment for cold rooms that reduce energy consumption and other moisture-related problems within the food industry.

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Cold and Dry


Securing the World’s protein supply.


Folkets Pops

Folkets Pops creates naturally vegan sorbet pops made in small batches using a sustainable mix of seasonal fruit and just enough Swedish beet sugar. 1kr from every pop is donated to help save the bees, because without the bees we wouldn’t have fruit for our pops!


Michelle Saunders

+46 735 866 283

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Folkets Pops


Foodtel is a groundbreaking intelligence platform ensuring cold chain resilience by predicting remaining shelf life during temperature deviations.

Foodtel offers a complete solution to reduce food waste – all in one place empowering green descision making in the cold chain.

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Franka Drinks

On a journey to create memorable moments and a Future of Feeling Good by crafting quality alcohol-free beverages.

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Franka Drinks

Nothing Fishy

For those who love fish. But would rather not eat it.

Nothing F!shy was created by conscious foodies for conscious foodies and is the obvious choice for fish lovers who opt out of eating fish. Every bite is a bite for a healthier sea with the good, genuine taste of fine cod and an equally clear conscience. Enjoy your meal!


Ola Secher, CEO

+46 70 623 24 66

Jared Christensen, COO
+46 073 600 46 60

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Nothing Fishy


Changing the game in cultivated meat and fermentation with a process system to revolutionize cost levels.


Jacob Peterson, CEO

+46 707350408

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Seatrients, co-founded by Amankwa Baptiste and Krishma Jean Baptiste, embraces Caribbean culture to revolutionize the future of food! Our multi-purpose vegan seaweed (Seamoss) blends and tropical Seamoss ingredient offers versatile culinary options(beverages/ baking/ cooking/ and more!).

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Brian och Johanna

Krinova START

Support from idea to business plan.


Support from business plan to market verification.

Krinova SCALE

For established companies that are ready for the next step.