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About us

About us

Ulrika Hasselgren

Future-smart innovation and competitive power

Krinova helps to build a thriving business climate, a Sweden of the future where entrepreneurs realise ideas and reach their full potential. 

Sometimes these are large projects implemented over several years with many different societal actors, often also with international organisations, where sustainability and accelerating entrepreneurship and growth are on the agenda. At the same time, there is always a micro context that focuses on innovation, choices and action for the individual entrepreneur or employee in a company to take the next step. 

The big and the small meet every day at Krinova, and cross-fertilisation between different operations and lessons are created within this amazing span, enabling further growth. This is how future-smart innovation and competitive power for sustainable development are created.

Our mission

Based in the local business community, Krinova’s mission is to increase the attractiveness and growth of Kristianstad and northeastern Skåne. In parallel, Krinova has developed a unique regional and national position in the food sector and has a mission that includes the development of the food sector throughout both Skåne and the nation as a whole. Krinova also has an incubator with a national intake. 

Krinova’s role as an incubator and science park includes being a catalyst for development and innovation in society – work that has no geographical boundaries. In an increasingly complex world, it becomes more and more important to become part of a larger whole. Krinova deliberately builds strategic partnerships with representatives from the private and public sectors and academia, and with actors from different industries. All of these work together to achieve increased innovation, sustainable growth and new jobs.

Krinovamedarbetare brainstormar


Krinova AB is 40% owned by Kristianstad municipality,
to 40% of the municipality’s subsidiary Kristianstads Industribyggnads AB 
and to 20% of Högskolan Kristianstad Holding AB.
