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Meeting venues

Meeting venues

Mötesplatsen Krinova

We want to see you here!

Book your next meeting with us

Krinova is the perfect place for meetings and conferences. We have venues for both small and large groups, ranging from the small meeting room for six people to the largest venue, which can accommodate more than 300 people.

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Customise your conference

We consider personal engagement an important part of any meeting. We work with you to customise the conference and help you with the venue, technology and refreshments.

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Rent office space at Krinova

Are you an entrepreneur looking for office space in an inspiring environment with many networking opportunities? Then Krinova is the right place for you! Over 100 companies are domiciled here, ranging from sole proprietorships to companies that are part of large groups.

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Visit the companies of the science park

Over 100 companies have chosen to establish in our science park, with all the benefits this entails in the form of networking, invitations to events, and being part of a dynamic environment where there is a lot going on. Check out the different companies.

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